How often should a healthy adult see a dentist?
The American Dental Association recommends dental checkups twice a year or every six months. Without regular checkups, gingivitis, the initial stage of gum disease, can have a chance to progress and require a deep cleaning procedure to reverse. Gum disease can strike anyone at any time, even people who brush and floss twice a day. A dentist can catch gingivitis early during a checkup and reverse it with a simple dental cleaning.
Is flossing really necessary?
Food particles and debris inevitably work their way between the teeth, and there is no toothbrush that can reach those areas and thoroughly clean them. Without flossing, this debris will allow bacteria to feed and grow, which can cause gum disease and decay. Flossing can be done with either string floss, a floss pick or a water pick, but flossing is necessary to keep your teeth and gums in optimum health.
Who needs fluoride toothpaste?
Everyone needs fluoride toothpaste for strong enamel. Tooth enamel breaks down because of foods we eat, but fluoride is the best protection we have against this. In addition to regular use of fluoride toothpaste, children and some adults may benefit from using a fluoride mouth rinse. During a regular dental cleaning, a fluoride treatment can be given. When brushing your teeth at home, you can help your enamel to remain strong by waiting about 20 minutes to half an hour after eating before you brush. During this time the enamel builds back up after being weakened by acids in food and beverages.
Are sugarless gums and breath mints ok for my teeth and gums?
Sugarless gum is not only okay for your oral health; it can actually help to improve it. Chewing gum stimulates saliva, which helps to wash away food particles and acids. Breath mints, on the other hand, do not have any particular benefit to your oral health. Remember that minty gums and mouthwashes can eliminate bad breath only temporarily if you have bad breath that is caused by gum disease or another oral health problem. If you have bad breath that keeps coming back or isn’t directly related to foods or beverages, call for a dental appointment as soon as possible.
What should I do during a dental emergency?
If you’ve lost or cracked a tooth in an accident, take care of any serious injuries first even if it means seeing a doctor before seeking dental treatment. If you are not seriously hurt but a tooth has come loose or fallen out, tend the injury in your mouth, put the tooth or pieces of it a container of milk or water, and get to the dentist as soon as possible.
How can I find out more about oral health or ask questions?
Call Smiles Depot in Lodi, California and request an appointment with Dr. Nokrashy.